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Ingest any data source into Port via Airbyte, S3 and webhook

This guide will demonstrate how to ingest any data source into Port using Airbyte, S3 and a webhook integration.


S3 integrations lack some of the features (such as reconciliation) found in Ocean or other Port integration solutions.

As a result, if a record ingested during the initial sync is later deleted in the data source, there’s no automatic mechanism to remove it from Port. The record simply won’t appear in future syncs, but it will remain in Port indefinitely.

If the data includes a flag for deleted records (e.g., is_deleted: "true"), you can configure a webhook delete operation in your webhook’s mapping configuration to remove these records from Port automatically.


  • Ensure you have a Port account and have completed the onboarding process.

  • This feature is part of Port's limited-access offering. To obtain the required S3 bucket, please contact our team directly via chat, Slack, or e-mail, and we will create and manage the bucket on your behalf.

  • Access to an available Airbyte app (can be cloud or self-hosted) - for reference, follow the quick start guide.

Airbyte setup

To integrate Airbyte-supported data source into Port, you will need to:

  1. Set up the S3 destination (only once).

  2. Set up the Data Source - once per data source you wish to integrate. Airbyte provides detailed documentation on how to generate/receive the appropriate credentials to set each data source.

  3. Set up the Connection between the source and destination - in this step you will be able to define what data will be ingested, to which webhook integration in Port (see below "Set up the Connection"), how often will the sync will be executed, and in what mode (full refresh / incremental).

Set up S3 Destination

  1. Login to your Airbyte application (cloud or self-hosted).

  2. In the left-side pane, click on Destinations.

  3. Click on + New Destination.

  4. Input the S3 Credentials provided to you by Port:

    • Under S3 Key ID enter your S3 Access Key ID.
    • Under S3 Access Key enter your S3 Access Key Secret.
    • Under S3 Bucket Name enter the bucket name (example: "org-xxx").
    • Under S3 Bucket Path enter "/data".
    • Under S3 Bucket Region enter the appropriate region.
    • For output format, choose "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON".
    • For compression, choose "GZIP".
    • Under Optional Fields, enter the following in S3 Path Format: ${NAMESPACE}/${STREAM_NAME}/year=${YEAR}/month=${MONTH}/${DAY}_${EPOCH}_
  5. Click Test and save and wait for Airbyte to confirm the Destination is set up correctly.

Set up data source

Find the connector in Airbyte

Airbyte supports a wide range of connectors.

Setup is often straightforward (such as generating an API key), and some connectors may require extra steps (like creating a Slack app).

If a connector doesn’t exist yet, you can request it from the Airbyte community or build your own.

Set up the connection in Airbyte

  1. In the Airbyte "Connections" page, create a "+ New Connection".

  2. For Source, choose your desired data source.

  3. For Destination, choose the S3 Destination you have set up.

  4. In the Select Streams step, check the streams you are interested in synchronizing into Port.

  5. In the Configuration step, under "Destination Namespace", choose "Custom Format" and enter the webhook URL you copied when setting up the webhook, for example: "wSLvwtI1LFwQzXXX".

  6. Click on Finish & Sync to apply and start the Integration process!

Data model setup

Figure out the target schema and mapping

To define the data model, you will need to know the schema of the data you want to ingest.
If you are unsure about the schema that the connector extracts, you can always set up the Airbyte connection to S3 first, and during the Select Streams step in the connection setup, review the expected schema for each stream and construct the appropriate blueprints and mappings:

Alternatively, you can set up the connection and start the sync, then download the extracted files from S3, review them, and construct the appropriate blueprints and mappings.


If you set up a connection to S3 before setting the target blueprints and mappings, you will have to execute a "resync" in airbyte after the resources in Port have been properly set up.

To download the extracted S3 files:

  1. Install AWS CLI: Download and install the AWS CLI from AWS’s official page.

  2. Configure Your Credentials: Run the command below and input your ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, and region:

aws configure

Alternatively, you can set the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.

  1. Download Files from S3: Use the following command, replacing the placeholders with your bucket name and file prefix:
aws s3 cp s3://<bucket-name>/<file-prefix> ./local-folder --recursive

for example:

aws s3 cp s3://org-XXX/data/abc123/ ./my_extracted_data --recursive

This command copies all files that start with your specified prefix into the local folder (create it if needed).

Once the files are in your local device you can use your preferred text editor to review it's content and construct the appropriate blueprints and mappings for your data.

Create blueprints

Once you have decided on the desired blueprints you wish to set up, you can refer to the blueprint creation docs to set them up in your account.

Create webhook integration

Once you have decided on the mappings you wish to set up, you can refer to the webhook creation docs to set them up in your portal.


It is important that you use the generated webhook URL when setting up the Connection in Airbyte, otherwise the data will not be automatically ingested into Port from S3.


Issues with Airbyte->S3 integration

Airbyte provides detailed logs available through the web application on currently running sync processes as well as historical ones.
After a successful sync has completed, you will be able to see how long ago it was executed, and how many records were loaded to S3 in every stream.

Issues with S3->Port ingestion

If everything in Airbyte is working properly, and you don't see the data in your Port account, you can follow these steps to diagnose the root cause:

Issues in the Webhook

  1. Navigate to Data Sources page in your port account.

  2. Locate the Webhook integration you have set for the ingestion, and click on it.

  3. In the pop-up interface, under "Add test Event" click on "Load latest event".

  4. You should now see an example event that was received from the ingestion pipeline (in case you don't - scroll down to the below section in this guide: Data in S3 is not propagating to Port).

  5. Scroll down to the section "Test Mapping" and click on the "Test Mapping" button at the bottom of the pop-up interface.
    You should see the result of the mapping applied on the latest event that was received by the webhook URL in the text box above the "Test Mapping" button.
    If you encounter a jq error - it means you have a syntax error or the source's schema does not match the mapping you have set and you will need to adjust the mapping properly.
    If you encounter a JSON document list, it means the mapping is working properly, but it could be that the filters you have set in it all result in "false" (which means no entity will be created).
    In this case you will need to look over the appropriate element in the document (with the relevant blueprint for the loaded event) and adjust the mapping so that the "filter" field will result to "true".

Issues in the blueprint definition

  1. Navigate to the Data Sources page of your port account.

  2. Locate the webhook integration you have set for the ingestion, and click on it.

  3. In the pop-up interface, in the top pane menu click on "Audit Log".

  4. You can now browse for issues in ingestion of specific entities in the audit log, or apply a filter where Status != "Success".
    If any entities were created but failed to ingest, you will see an indicative error that may lead you to the issue in the blueprint definition.

Data is not propagating from S3 to Port

If you're sure the Airbyte integration is working properly, there are no records in the Audit Log, and the "Load latest event" button does not produce an event in the corresponding box, there might be an issue with the pipeline set up by Port.
In this case, contact us using chat/Slack/mail to and our support team will assist in diagnosing and solving the issue.

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