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Check out Port for yourself 


Port's SonarQube integration allows you to model SonarQube resources in your software catalog and ingest data into them.


This integration allows you to:

  • Map and organize your desired SonarQube resources and their metadata in Port (see supported resources below).
  • Watch for SonarQube object changes (create/update/delete) in real-time, and automatically apply the changes to your entities in Port.

Supported Resources

The resources that can be ingested from SonarQube into Port are listed below. It is possible to reference any field that appears in the API responses linked below in the mapping configuration.

  • Project - represents a SonarQube project. Retrieves data from components, measures, and branches.
  • Issue - represents a SonarQube issue
  • Saas Analysis - represents analysis and latest activity in your SonarCloud environment.
  • On-premise Analysis - since SonarQube doesn't offer a straightforward API for fetching analysis and latest activity in on-premise installations, Port's integration provides an alternative solution for on-premise installation.
    By utilizing the pull requests and measures APIs, you can now visualize the results of scan analyses for each pull request.


Choose one of the following installation methods:

Using this installation option means that the integration will be hosted by Port, with a customizable resync interval to ingest data into Port.

Live event support

Currently, live events are not supported for integrations hosted by Port.
Resyncs will be performed periodically (with a configurable interval), or manually triggered by you via Port's UI.

Therefore, real-time events (including GitOps) will not be ingested into Port immediately.
Support for live events is WIP and will be supported in the near future.

Self-hosted installation

Alternatively, you can install the integration using the Real-time (self-hosted) method to update Port in real time using webhooks.


To install, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data sources page of your portal.

  2. Click on the + Data source button in the top-right corner.

  3. Click on the relevant integration in the list.

  4. Under Select your installation method, choose Hosted by Port.

  5. Configure the integration settings and application settings as you wish (see below for details).

Application settings

Every integration hosted by Port has the following customizable application settings, which are configurable after installation:

  • Resync interval: The frequency at which Port will ingest data from the integration. There are various options available, ranging from every 1 hour to once a day.

  • Send raw data examples: A boolean toggle (enabled by default). If enabled, raw data examples will be sent from the integration to Port. These examples are used when testing your mapping configuration, they allow you to run your jq expressions against real data and see the results.

Integration settings

Every integration has its own tool-specific settings, under the Integration settings section.
Each of these settings has an ⓘ icon next to it, which you can hover over to see a description of the setting.

Port secrets

Some integration settings require sensitive pieces of data, such as tokens.
For these settings, Port secrets will be used, ensuring that your sensitive data is encrypted and secure.

When filling in such a setting, its value will be obscured (shown as ••••••••).
For each such setting, Port will automatically create a secret in your organization.

To see all secrets in your organization, follow these steps.

Port source IP addresses

When using this installation method, Port will make outbound calls to your 3rd-party applications from static IP addresses.
You may need to add these addresses to your allowlist, in order to allow Port to interact with the integrated service:


Port integrations use a YAML mapping block to ingest data from the third-party api into Port.

The mapping makes use of the JQ JSON processor to select, modify, concatenate, transform and perform other operations on existing fields and values from the integration API.


To view and test the integration's mapping against examples of the third-party API responses, use the jq playground in your data sources page. Find the integration in the list of data sources and click on it to open the playground.

Examples of blueprints and the relevant integration configurations can be found on the sonarqube examples page

Let's Test It

This section includes a sample response data from SonarQube when a code repository is scanned for quality assurance. In addition, it includes the entity created from the resync event based on the Ocean configuration provided in the previous section.


Here is an example of the payload structure from SonarQube:

Project response data (Click to expand)
"organization": "peygis",
"key": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction",
"name": "Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction",
"isFavorite": true,
"visibility": "public",
"eligibilityStatus": "COMPLETED",
"eligible": true,
"isNew": false,
"lastAnalysisDate": "2017-03-02T15:21:47+0300",
"revision": "7be96a94ac0c95a61ee6ee0ef9c6f808d386a355",
"managed": false,
"__measures": [
"metric": "bugs",
"value": "6",
"bestValue": false
"metric": "code_smells",
"value": "216",
"bestValue": false
"metric": "duplicated_files",
"value": "2",
"bestValue": false
"metric": "vulnerabilities",
"value": "1",
"bestValue": false
"metric": "security_hotspots",
"value": "8",
"bestValue": false
"__branch": {
"name": "master",
"isMain": true,
"type": "LONG",
"status": {
"qualityGateStatus": "ERROR",
"bugs": 6,
"vulnerabilities": 1,
"codeSmells": 216
"analysisDate": "2023-09-07T14:38:41+0200",
"commit": {
"sha": "5b01b6dcb200df0bfd1c66df65be30f9ea5423d8",
"author": {
"name": "Username",
"login": "Username@github",
"avatar": "9df2ac1caa70b0a67ff0561f7d0363e5"
"date": "2023-09-07T14:38:36+0200",
"message": "Merge pull request #21 from PeyGis/test-sonar"
"__link": ""
Issue response data (Click to expand)
"key": "AYhnRlhI0rLhE5EBPGHW",
"rule": "xml:S1135",
"severity": "INFO",
"component": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction:node_modules/json-schema/draft-zyp-json-schema-04.xml",
"project": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction",
"line": 313,
"hash": "8346d5371c3d1b0d1d57937c7b967090",
"textRange": {
"startLine": 313,
"endLine": 313,
"startOffset": 3,
"endOffset": 56
"flows": [],
"status": "OPEN",
"message": "Complete the task associated to this \"TODO\" comment.",
"effort": "0min",
"debt": "0min",
"assignee": "Username@github",
"author": "",
"tags": [],
"creationDate": "2018-04-06T02:44:46+0200",
"updateDate": "2023-05-29T13:30:14+0200",
"type": "CODE_SMELL",
"organization": "peygis",
"cleanCodeAttribute": "COMPLETE",
"cleanCodeAttributeCategory": "INTENTIONAL",
"impacts": [
"softwareQuality": "MAINTAINABILITY",
"severity": "LOW"
"__link": ""
Analysis response data (Click to expand)
"analysisId": "AYpvptJNv89mE9ClYP-q",
"firstAnalysis": false,
"measures": {
"violations_added": "0",
"violations_fixed": "0",
"coverage_change": "0.0",
"duplicated_lines_density_change": "0.0",
"ncloc_change": "0"
"branch": {
"analysisDate": "2023-09-07T12:38:41.279Z",
"isMain": true,
"name": "master",
"commit": {
"sha": "5b01b6dcb200df0bfd1c66df65be30f9ea5423d8",
"author": {
"avatar": "9df2ac1caa70b0a67ff0561f7d0363e5",
"login": "Username@github",
"name": "Username"
"date": "2023-09-07T12:38:36Z",
"message": "Merge pull request #21 from PeyGis/test-sonar"
"type": "LONG",
"status": {
"qualityGateStatus": "ERROR"
"__branchName": "master",
"__analysisDate": "2023-09-07T12:38:41.279Z",
"__commit": {
"sha": "5b01b6dcb200df0bfd1c66df65be30f9ea5423d8",
"author": {
"avatar": "9df2ac1caa70b0a67ff0561f7d0363e5",
"login": "Username@github",
"name": "Username"
"date": "2023-09-07T12:38:36Z",
"message": "Merge pull request #21 from PeyGis/test-sonar"
"__project": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction"
Portfolio response data (Click to expand)
"key": "GetPort_SelfService",
"name": "GetPort SelfService",
"desc": "Test",
"qualifier": "VW",
"visibility": "public",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [
"key": "GetPort_SelfService_Second",
"name": "GetPort SelfService Second",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [
"key": "GetPort_SelfService_Third",
"name": "GetPort SelfService Third",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [],
"referencedBy": []
"key": "Port_Test",
"name": "Port Test",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [],
"referencedBy": []
"referencedBy": []
"key": "Python",
"name": "Python",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [
"key": "Time",
"name": "Time",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [
"key": "port_ayodeji",
"name": "port-ayodeji",
"qualifier": "SVW",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"subViews": [
"key": "port_ayodeji:REferenced",
"name": "REferenced",
"qualifier": "VW",
"visibility": "public",
"originalKey": "REferenced"
"referencedBy": []
"referencedBy": []
"referencedBy": []
"key": "GetPort_SelfService:Authentication_Application",
"name": "Authentication Application",
"desc": "For auth services",
"qualifier": "APP",
"visibility": "private",
"selectedBranches": [
"originalKey": "Authentication_Application"
"referencedBy": [
"key": "GetPort_SelfService:Authentication_Application",
"name": "Authentication Application",
"desc": "For auth services",
"qualifier": "VW",
"visibility": "private",
"selectedBranches": [
"originalKey": "Authentication_Application"

Mapping Result

The combination of the sample payload and the Ocean configuration generates the following Port entity:

Project entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction",
"title": "Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction",
"blueprint": "sonarQubeProject",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"organization": "peygis",
"link": "",
"lastAnalysisDate": "2023-09-07T12:38:41.000Z",
"numberOfBugs": 6,
"numberOfCodeSmells": 216,
"numberOfVulnerabilities": 1,
"numberOfHotSpots": 8,
"numberOfDuplications": 2,
"mainBranch": "master",
"mainBranchLastAnalysisDate": "2023-09-07T12:38:41.000Z",
"revision": "7be96a94ac0c95a61ee6ee0ef9c6f808d386a355",
"managed": true
"relations": {},
"icon": "sonarqube"
Issue entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "AYhnRlhI0rLhE5EBPGHW",
"title": "Complete the task associated to this \"TODO\" comment.",
"blueprint": "sonarQubeIssue",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"type": "CODE_SMELL",
"severity": "INFO",
"link": "",
"status": "OPEN",
"assignees": "Username@github",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2018-04-06T00:44:46.000Z"
"relations": {
"sonarQubeProject": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction"
"icon": "sonarqube"
Analysis entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "AYpvptJNv89mE9ClYP-q",
"title": "Merge pull request #21 from PeyGis/test-sonar",
"blueprint": "sonarQubeAnalysis",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"branch": "master",
"fixedIssues": 0,
"newIssues": 0,
"coverage": 0,
"duplications": 0,
"createdAt": "2023-09-07T12:38:41.279Z"
"relations": {
"sonarQubeProject": "PeyGis_Chatbot_For_Social_Media_Transaction"
"icon": "sonarqube"
Portfolio entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "GetPort_SelfService",
"title": "GetPort SelfService",
"blueprint": "sonarQubePortfolio",
"properties": {
"description": null,
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"selectionMode": "NONE",
"disabled": null
"relations": {
"subPortfolios": [
"referencedBy": [

Migration from SonarQube integration version <=0.1.121

Versions prior to v0.1.115 used SonarQube's internal API for components to retrieve projects. Since this API is internal and subject to change, it is not globally available and not recommended for new users.

To remedy this, we have switched to the globally available API for projects instead for new users of the SonarQube integration. This comes with a few changes that are listed below.

Changes to the SonarQube integration

  • The project kind is deprecated in support for the projects_ga kind. Deprecation effective: 2024-02-23

  • Since the tags property is only available with the internal API, it will read null for existing users of the SonarQube integration.

  • Minor but backwards compatible changes have been made to the sonarQubeProject blueprint:

<=v0.1.121 sonarqubeProject blueprint (Click to expand)
"identifier": "sonarQubeProject",
"title": "SonarQube Project",
"icon": "sonarqube",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"organization": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Organization",
"icon": "TwoUsers"
"link": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Link",
"icon": "Link"
"lastAnalysisDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"icon": "Clock",
"title": "Last Analysis Date"
"qualityGateStatus": {
"title": "Quality Gate Status",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enumColors": {
"OK": "green",
"WARN": "yellow",
"ERROR": "red"
"numberOfBugs": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Bugs"
"numberOfCodeSmells": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of CodeSmells"
"numberOfVulnerabilities": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Vulnerabilities"
"numberOfHotSpots": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of HotSpots"
"numberOfDuplications": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Duplications"
"coverage": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Coverage"
"mainBranch": {
"type": "string",
"icon": "Git",
"title": "Main Branch"
"tags": {
"type": "array",
"title": "Tags"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"aggregationProperties": {
"criticalOpenIssues": {
"title": "Number Of Open Critical Issues",
"type": "number",
"target": "sonarQubeIssue",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "in",
"value": ["OPEN", "REOPENED"]
"property": "severity",
"operator": "=",
"value": "CRITICAL"
"calculationSpec": {
"calculationBy": "entities",
"func": "count"
"numberOfOpenIssues": {
"title": "Number Of Open Issues",
"type": "number",
"target": "sonarQubeIssue",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "in",
"value": [
"calculationSpec": {
"calculationBy": "entities",
"func": "count"
"relations": {}
>=v0.1.115 sonarqubeProject blueprint (Click to expand)
"identifier": "sonarQubeProject",
"title": "SonarQube Project",
"icon": "sonarqube",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"organization": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Organization",
"icon": "TwoUsers"
"link": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Link",
"icon": "Link"
"lastAnalysisDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"icon": "Clock",
"title": "Last Analysis Date"
"qualityGateStatus": {
"title": "Quality Gate Status",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enumColors": {
"OK": "green",
"WARN": "yellow",
"ERROR": "red"
"numberOfBugs": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Bugs"
"numberOfCodeSmells": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of CodeSmells"
"numberOfVulnerabilities": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Vulnerabilities"
"numberOfHotSpots": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of HotSpots"
"numberOfDuplications": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Number Of Duplications"
"coverage": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Coverage"
"mainBranch": {
"type": "string",
"icon": "Git",
"title": "Main Branch"
"mainBranchLastAnalysisDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"icon": "Clock",
"title": "Main Branch Last Analysis Date"
"revision": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Revision"
"managed": {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Managed"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"aggregationProperties": {
"criticalOpenIssues": {
"title": "Number Of Open Critical Issues",
"type": "number",
"target": "sonarQubeIssue",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "in",
"value": ["OPEN", "REOPENED"]
"property": "severity",
"operator": "=",
"value": "CRITICAL"
"calculationSpec": {
"calculationBy": "entities",
"func": "count"
"numberOfOpenIssues": {
"title": "Number Of Open Issues",
"type": "number",
"target": "sonarQubeIssue",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "in",
"value": [
"calculationSpec": {
"calculationBy": "entities",
"func": "count"
"relations": {}

  • If you however, choose to stick with the internal API with the project kind, use any of the blueprints with the following mapping:
Project mapping for project kind(Click to expand)
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: projects
query: 'true'
qualifier: TRK
- code_smells
- coverage
- bugs
- vulnerabilities
- duplicated_files
- security_hotspots
- new_violations
- new_coverage
- new_duplicated_lines_density
blueprint: '"sonarQubeProject"' # or any other blueprint you decide to use
identifier: .key
title: .name
organization: .organization
link: .__link
qualityGateStatus: .__branch.status.qualityGateStatus
lastAnalysisDate: .__branch.analysisDate
numberOfBugs: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "bugs") | .value
numberOfCodeSmells: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "code_smells") | .value
numberOfVulnerabilities: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "vulnerabilities") | .value
numberOfHotSpots: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "security_hotspots") | .value
numberOfDuplications: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "duplicated_files") | .value
coverage: .__measures[]? | select(.metric == "coverage") | .value
tags: .tags

Alternative installation via webhook

While the Ocean integration described above is the recommended installation method, you may prefer to use a webhook to ingest data from SonarQube. If so, use the following instructions:

Webhook installation (click to expand) (Click to expand)

In this example you are going to create a webhook integration between SonarQube's SonarCloud and Port, which will ingest SonarQube code quality analysis entities.

Port configuration

Create the following blueprint definition:

SonarQube analysis blueprint (Click to expand)
"identifier": "sonarCloudAnalysis",
"description": "This blueprint represents a SonarCloud Analysis in our software catalog",
"title": "SonarCloud Analysis",
"icon": "sonarqube",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"serverUrl": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Server URL"
"projectName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Project name"
"projectUrl": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Project URL"
"branchName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Branch Name"
"branchType": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Branch Type"
"branchUrl": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Branch URL"
"qualityGateName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Quality Gate Name"
"qualityGateStatus": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Quality Gate Status",
"description": "General status of quality checks"
"qualityGateConditions": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object"
"title": "Quality Gate Conditions",
"description": "Conditions of the qaulity gate"
"status": {
"type": "string",
"title": "General Status"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}

Create the following webhook configuration using Port's UI:

SonarQube analysis webhook configuration (Click to expand)
  1. Basic details tab - fill the following details:

    1. Title : SonarQube mapper;
    2. Identifier : sonarqube_mapper;
    3. Description : A webhook configuration to map SonarQube alerts to Port;
    4. Icon : sonarqube;
  2. Integration configuration tab - fill the following JQ mapping:

    "blueprint": "sonarCloudAnalysis",
    "entity": {
    "identifier": ".body.taskId",
    "title": " + \"-\" + .body.taskId",
    "properties": {
    "serverUrl": ".body.serverUrl",
    "status": ".body.status",
    "projectName": "",
    "projectUrl": ".body.project.url",
    "branchName": "",
    "branchType": ".body.branch.type",
    "branchUrl": ".body.branch.url",
    "qualityGateName": "",
    "qualityGateStatus": ".body.qualityGate.status",
    "qualityGateConditions": ".body.qualityGate.conditions"
  3. Scroll down to Advanced settings and input the following details:

    1. secret: WEBHOOK_SECRET;
    2. Signature Header Name : x-sonar-webhook-hmac-sha256;
    3. Signature Algorithm : Select sha256 from dropdown option;
    4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    Remember to replace the WEBHOOK_SECRET with the real secret you specify when creating the webhook in SonarCloud.

Create a webhook in SonarCloud

  1. Go to SonarCloud and select a project you want to configure a webhook for;
  2. Click on Administration at the bottom left of the page and select Webhooks;
  3. Click on Create
  4. Input the following details:
    1. Name - use a meaningful name such as Port Webhook;
    2. URL - enter the value of the url key you received after creating the webhook configuration;
    3. Secret - enter the secret value you specified when creating the webhook;
  5. Click Create at the bottom of the page.

In order to view the different payloads and events available in SonarQube webhooks, look here

Done! any new analysis you run (for example, on new PRs or changes to PRs) will trigger a webhook event that SonarCloud will send to the webhook URL provided by Port. Port will parse the events according to the mapping and update the catalog entities accordingly.

Let's Test It

This section includes a sample webhook event sent from SonarQube when a code repository is scanned for quality assurance. In addition, it includes the entity created from the event based on the webhook configuration provided in the previous section.


Here is an example of the payload structure sent to the webhook URL when a SonarQube repository is scanned:

Webhook event payload (Click to expand)
"serverUrl": "",
"taskId": "AYi_1w1fcGD_RU1S5-r_",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"analysedAt": "2023-06-15T16:15:05+0000",
"revision": "575718d8287cd09630ff0ff9aa4bb8570ea4ef29",
"changedAt": "2023-06-15T16:15:05+0000",
"project": {
"key": "Username_Test_Python_App",
"name": "Test_Python_App",
"url": ""
"branch": {
"name": "master",
"type": "LONG",
"isMain": true,
"url": ""
"qualityGate": {
"name": "My Quality Gate",
"status": "ERROR",
"conditions": [
"metric": "code_smells",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "217",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "5"
"metric": "ncloc",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "8435",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "20"
"metric": "new_branch_coverage",
"operator": "LESS_THAN",
"status": "NO_VALUE",
"errorThreshold": "1"
"metric": "new_sqale_debt_ratio",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "1.0303030303030303",
"status": "OK",
"errorThreshold": "5"
"metric": "new_violations",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "3",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "1"
"properties": {}

Mapping Result

The combination of the sample payload and the webhook configuration generates the following Port entity:

"identifier": "AYi_1w1fcGD_RU1S5-r_",
"title": "Test_Python_App-AYi_1w1fcGD_RU1S5-r_",
"blueprint": "sonarCloudAnalysis",
"properties": {
"serverUrl": "",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"projectName": "Test_Python_App",
"projectUrl": "",
"branchName": "master",
"branchType": "LONG",
"branchUrl": "",
"qualityGateName": "My Quality Gate",
"qualityGateStatus": "ERROR",
"qualityGateConditions": [
"metric": "code_smells",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "217",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "5"
"metric": "ncloc",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "8435",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "20"
"metric": "new_branch_coverage",
"operator": "LESS_THAN",
"status": "NO_VALUE",
"errorThreshold": "1"
"metric": "new_sqale_debt_ratio",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "1.0303030303030303",
"status": "OK",
"errorThreshold": "5"
"metric": "new_violations",
"operator": "GREATER_THAN",
"value": "3",
"status": "ERROR",
"errorThreshold": "1"
"relations": {}