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Assign teams to monitored entities

This guide explains how to assign team ownership to Dynatrace entities, allowing you to easily identify which team is responsible for each monitored entity.

Common use casesโ€‹

  • Quickly determine which team owns a specific entity and contact them when needed.


This guide assumes the following:

Set up data modelโ€‹

To establish team ownership, we will modify the Dynatrace Entity blueprint by adding an owned_by relation.
Follow the steps below to update the Dynatrace Entity blueprint:

  1. Go to the data model page of your portal, and locate theDynatrace Entity blueprint.

  2. Hover over it, click on the ... button on the right, and select "Edit JSON".

  3. Add the owned_by relation as shown below, then click Save:

    Team relation (Click to expand)
     "relations": {
    "owned_by": {
    "title": "Owned By",
    "target": "dynatraceTeam",
    "required": false,
    "many": true

Creating the mapping configurationโ€‹

Now that the relationship between teams and monitored entities is defined, the next step is to assign the appropriate team to each Dynatrace Entity. This can be done by adding mapping logic based on your ingested resources. Dynatrace supports multiple methods for assigning team ownership, including Kubernetes labels and annotations, host metadata, environment variables, and tags.

To set up the mapping, navigate to the Dynatrace integration in the Data Sources page and add the following mapping based on your preferred method:

Dynatrace ownership configuration using Kubernetes labels and annotations
deleteDependentEntities: true
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
enableMergeEntity: true
- kind: entity
query: 'true'
# Add more entity types
entityFields: firstSeenTms,lastSeenTms,tags,properties,managementZones,fromRelationships,toRelationships
identifier: .displayName | gsub(" "; "-")
title: .displayName
blueprint: '"dynatraceEntity"'
firstSeen: .firstSeenTms / 1000 | todate
lastSeen: .lastSeenTms / 1000 | todate
type: .type
tags: .tags[].stringRepresentation
owned_by: .properties.kubernetesLabels | to_entries | map(select(.key == "dt.ower" or .key == "owner") | .value) | if length == 0 then null else . end
ownership keys

In this example, the dt.owner and owner keys from Kubernetes resource labels are used to define ownership. You should use the keys configured in your Dynatrace environment. For more details on setting up ownership keys, refer to the Dynatrace documentation

Dynatrace ownership configuration using tags
deleteDependentEntities: true
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
enableMergeEntity: true
- kind: entity
query: 'true'
- `cloud:gcp:k8s_cluster`
- `cloud:gcp:pubsub_subscription`
- `cloud:gcp:pubsub_topic`
- `cloud:gcp:gcs_bucket`
- `cloud:gcp:gae_app`
- `cloud:aws:acmprivateca`
- `cloud:aws:api_gateway`
- `cloud:aws:app_runner`
- `cloud:aws:appstream`
- `cloud:aws:appsync`
- `cloud:azure:apimanagement:service`
- `cloud:azure:app:containerapps`
- `cloud:azure:app:managedenvironments`
- `cloud:azure:appconfiguration:configurationstores`
- `cloud:azure:appplatform:spring`
# see below section for more entity types
identifier: .displayName | gsub(" "; "-")
title: .displayName
blueprint: '"dynatraceEntity"'
firstSeen: .firstSeenTms / 1000 | todate
lastSeen: .lastSeenTms / 1000 | todate
type: .type
tags: .tags[] | map(.stringRepresentation)
owned_by: .tags | map(select(.key == "dt.owner" or .key == "owner") | .value) | if length == 0 then null else . end
ownership keys

In this example, the dt.owner and owner keys from the tags are used to define ownership. You should use the keys configured in your Dynatrace environment. For more details on setting up ownership keys, refer to the Dynatrace documentation

Next, click on the resync button and watch your Dynatrace entities being mapped to the teams as shown below in this example: