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New Relic

Port's New Relic integration allows you to model New Relic resources in your software catalog and ingest data into them.


This integration allows you to:

  • Map and organize your desired New Relic resources and their metadata in Port (see supported resources below).
  • Watch for New Relic object changes (create/update/delete) in real-time, and automatically apply the changes to your entities in Port.

Supported Resources

The resources that can be ingested from New Relic into Port are listed below. It is possible to reference any field that appears in the API responses linked below in the mapping configuration.


Choose one of the following installation methods:

Using this installation option means that the integration will be hosted by Port, with a customizable resync interval to ingest data into Port.

Live event support

Currently, live events are not supported for integrations hosted by Port.
Resyncs will be performed periodically (with a configurable interval), or manually triggered by you via Port's UI.

Therefore, real-time events (including GitOps) will not be ingested into Port immediately.
Support for live events is WIP and will be supported in the near future.

Self-hosted installation

Alternatively, you can install the integration using the Real-time (self-hosted) method to update Port in real time using webhooks.


To install, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data sources page of your portal.

  2. Click on the + Data source button in the top-right corner.

  3. Click on the relevant integration in the list.

  4. Under Select your installation method, choose Hosted by Port.

  5. Configure the integration settings and application settings as you wish (see below for details).

Application settings

Every integration hosted by Port has the following customizable application settings, which are configurable after installation:

  • Resync interval: The frequency at which Port will ingest data from the integration. There are various options available, ranging from every 1 hour to once a day.

  • Send raw data examples: A boolean toggle (enabled by default). If enabled, raw data examples will be sent from the integration to Port. These examples are used when testing your mapping configuration, they allow you to run your jq expressions against real data and see the results.

Integration settings

Every integration has its own tool-specific settings, under the Integration settings section.
Each of these settings has an ⓘ icon next to it, which you can hover over to see a description of the setting.

Port secrets

Some integration settings require sensitive pieces of data, such as tokens.
For these settings, Port secrets will be used, ensuring that your sensitive data is encrypted and secure.

When filling in such a setting, its value will be obscured (shown as ••••••••).
For each such setting, Port will automatically create a secret in your organization.

To see all secrets in your organization, follow these steps.

Port source IP addresses

When using this installation method, Port will make outbound calls to your 3rd-party applications from static IP addresses.
You may need to add these addresses to your allowlist, in order to allow Port to interact with the integrated service:


Port integrations use a YAML mapping block to ingest data from the third-party api into Port.

The mapping makes use of the JQ JSON processor to select, modify, concatenate, transform and perform other operations on existing fields and values from the integration API.

Additional Configuration

  • newRelicTypes - An array of Newrelic entity types that will be fetched. The default value is ['SERVICE', 'APPLICATION']. This is related to the type field in the Newrelic entity.

  • calculateOpenIssueCount:

    • A boolean value that indicates if the integration should calculate the number of open issues for each entity. The default value is `false``.
    • NOTE - This can cause a performance degradation as the integration will have to calculate the number of open issues for each entity, which unfortunately is not supported by the New Relic API.
  • entityQueryFilter:

    • A filter that will be applied to the New Relic API query. This will be placed inside the query field of the entitySearch query in the New Relic GraphQL API. For examples of query filters click here.
    • Not specifying this field will cause the integration to fetch all the entities and map them to the blueprint defined in the kind.
    • Rule of thumb - Most of the time the EntityQueryFilter will be the same as the NewRelicTypes. For example, if we want to fetch all the services and applications we will set the EntityQueryFilter to type in ('SERVICE','APPLICATION') and the NewRelicTypes to ['SERVICE', 'APPLICATION'].
  • entityExtraPropertiesQuery:

    • An optional property that allows defining extra properties to fetch for each Newrelic entity. This will be concatenated with the default query properties we are requesting under the entities section in the entitySearch query in the Newrelic GraphQL API. For examples of additional query properties click here.
  • The port, entity and the mappings keys are used to map the Newrelic object fields to Port entities. To create multiple mappings of the same kind, you can add another item in the resources array;



Some Newrelic entities have a property named tags which contains potentially useful information such as machine information, hostname, agent name & version, and more. For example:

"tags": [
"key": "coreCount",
"values": [
"key": "hostStatus",
"values": [

Before mapping, this integration performs a transformation on each tag, after which the example above would look like this:

tags = ["coreCount":"10","hostStatus":"running"]


Examples of blueprints and the relevant integration configurations:

Service (Entity)

Service blueprint
"identifier": "newRelicService",
"description": "This blueprint represents a New Relic service or application in our software catalog",
"title": "New Relic Service",
"icon": "NewRelic",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"has_apm": {
"title": "Has APM",
"type": "boolean"
"open_issues_count": {
"title": "Open Issues Count",
"type": "number",
"default": 0
"link": {
"title": "Link",
"type": "string",
"format": "url"
"reporting": {
"title": "Reporting",
"type": "boolean"
"tags": {
"title": "Tags",
"type": "object"
"account_id": {
"title": "Account ID",
"type": "string"
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"type": "string"
"domain": {
"title": "Domain",
"type": "string"
"throughput": {
"title": "Throughput",
"type": "number"
"response_time_avg": {
"title": "Response Time AVG",
"type": "number"
"error_rate": {
"title": "Error Rate",
"type": "number"
"instance_count": {
"title": "Instance Count",
"type": "number"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: newRelicService
query: "true"
newRelicTypes: ["SERVICE", "APPLICATION"]
calculateOpenIssueCount: true
entityQueryFilter: "type in ('SERVICE','APPLICATION')"
entityExtraPropertiesQuery: |
... on ApmApplicationEntity {
apmBrowserSummary {
apmSummary {
blueprint: '"newRelicService"'
identifier: .guid
title: .name
has_apm: 'if .domain | contains("APM") then "true" else "false" end'
link: .permalink
open_issues_count: .__open_issues_count
reporting: .reporting
tags: .tags
domain: .domain
type: .type


Issue blueprint
"identifier": "newRelicAlert",
"description": "This blueprint represents a New Relic alert in our software catalog",
"title": "New Relic Alert",
"icon": "NewRelic",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"priority": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Priority",
"enum": ["CRITICAL", "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW"],
"enumColors": {
"CRITICAL": "red",
"HIGH": "red",
"MEDIUM": "yellow",
"LOW": "green"
"state": {
"type": "string",
"title": "State",
"enumColors": {
"ACTIVATED": "yellow",
"CLOSED": "green",
"CREATED": "lightGray"
"trigger": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Trigger"
"sources": {
"type": "array",
"title": "Sources"
"alertPolicyNames": {
"type": "array",
"title": "Alert Policy Names"
"conditionName": {
"type": "array",
"title": "Condition Name"
"activatedAt": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Time Issue was activated"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {
"newRelicService": {
"title": "New Relic Service",
"target": "newRelicService",
"required": false,
"many": true
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: newRelicAlert
query: "true"
newRelicTypes: ["ISSUE"]
blueprint: '"newRelicAlert"'
identifier: .issueId
title: .title[0]
priority: .priority
state: .state
sources: .sources
conditionName: .conditionName
alertPolicyNames: .policyName
activatedAt: .activatedAt
newRelicService: .__APPLICATION.entity_guids + .__SERVICE.entity_guids

Service Level

Service Level blueprint
"identifier": "newRelicServiceLevel",
"description": "This blueprint represents a New Relic Service Level",
"title": "New Relic Service Level",
"icon": "NewRelic",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"type": "string"
"targetThreshold": {
"icon": "DefaultProperty",
"title": "Target Threshold",
"type": "number"
"createdAt": {
"title": "Created At",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"updatedAt": {
"title": "Updated At",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"createdBy": {
"title": "Creator",
"type": "string",
"format": "user"
"sli": {
"type": "number",
"title": "SLI"
"tags": {
"type": "object",
"title": "Tags"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"aggregationProperties": {},
"relations": {
"newRelicService": {
"title": "New Relic service",
"target": "newRelicService",
"required": false,
"many": false
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: newRelicServiceLevel
query: 'true'
blueprint: '"newRelicServiceLevel"'
identifier: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].id
title: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].name
description: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].description
targetThreshold: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].objectives[0].target
createdAt: if .serviceLevel.indicators[0].createdAt != null then (.serviceLevel.indicators[0].createdAt | tonumber / 1000 | todate) else null end
updatedAt: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].updatedAt
createdBy: .serviceLevel.indicators[0]
sli: .__SLI.SLI
tags: .tags
newRelicService: .serviceLevel.indicators[0].guid

Let's Test It

This section includes a sample response data from New Relic. In addition, it includes the entity created from the resync event based on the Ocean configuration provided in the previous section.


Here is an example of the payload structure from New Relic:

Service (Entity) response data (Click to expand)
"accountId": 4444532,
"alertSeverity": "NOT_CONFIGURED",
"domain": "INFRA",
"guid": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5fElORlJBfE5BfDY1MjQwNDc0NjE4MzUyMDkwOTU=",
"lastReportingChangeAt": 1715351571254,
"name": "UserMacbook",
"permalink": "",
"reporting": true,
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"Account 4444831"
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"key": "agentName",
"values": [
"key": "agentVersion",
"values": [
"key": "coreCount",
"values": [
"key": "fullHostname",
"values": [
"key": "hostStatus",
"values": [
"key": "hostname",
"values": [
"key": "instanceType",
"values": [
"MacBook Air MacBookAir10,1"
"key": "kernelVersion",
"values": [
"key": "linuxDistribution",
"values": [
"macOS 14.2.1"
"key": "operatingSystem",
"values": [
"key": "processorCount",
"values": [
"key": "systemMemoryBytes",
"values": [
"key": "trustedAccountId",
"values": [
"type": "HOST"
Issue response data (Click to expand)
"issueId": "MjQwNzIwN3xBUE18QVBQTElDQVRJT058MjIwMzEwNzV8MTA0NzYwNzA5",
"title": "My Issue",
"priority": "CRITICAL",
"state": "ACTIVATED",
"sources": ["My Source"],
"conditionName": ["My Condition"],
"policyName": ["My Policy"],
"activatedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Service Level response data (Click to expand)
"serviceLevel": {
"indicators": [
"createdAt": 1721030560937,
"createdBy": {
"email": ""
"description": "Proportion of requests that are served faster than a threshold.",
"id": "599434",
"name": "Service Level Name - Metric",
"objectives": [
"description": null,
"name": null,
"target": 95,
"timeWindow": {
"rolling": {
"count": 7,
"unit": "DAY"
"resultQueries": {
"indicator": {
"nrql": "SELECT clamp_max(sum(newrelic.sli.good) / sum(newrelic.sli.valid) * 100, 100) AS 'SLI' FROM Metric WHERE entity.guid = 'NDM2OTY4MHxFWFR8U0VSVklDRV9MRVZFTHw1OTk0MzQ' UNTIL 2 minutes AGO"
"updatedAt": null,
"updatedBy": null
"tags": {
"account": [
"Account [REDACTED]"
"accountId": [
"category": [
"nr.associatedEntityGuid": [
"nr.associatedEntityName": [
"Service Name 01"
"nr.associatedEntityType": [
"nr.sliComplianceCategory": [
"nr.sloPeriod": [
"nr.sloTarget": [
"trustedAccountId": [
"__SLI": {
"SLI": 87.56

Mapping Result

The combination of the sample payload and the Ocean configuration generates the following Port entity:

Service (Entity) entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5fElORlJBfE5BfDY1MjQwNDc0NjE4MzUyMDkwOTU=",
"title": "UserMacbook",
"blueprint": "newRelicAlert",
"team": [],
"icon": "NewRelic",
"properties": {
"has_apm": false,
"link": "",
"open_issues_count": null,
"reporting": true,
"tags": [
"key": "account",
"values": [
"Account 4444831"
"key": "accountId",
"values": [
"key": "agentName",
"values": [
"key": "agentVersion",
"values": [
"key": "coreCount",
"values": [
"key": "fullHostname",
"values": [
"key": "hostStatus",
"values": [
"key": "hostname",
"values": [
"key": "instanceType",
"values": [
"MacBook Air MacBookAir10,1"
"key": "kernelVersion",
"values": [
"key": "linuxDistribution",
"values": [
"macOS 14.2.1"
"key": "operatingSystem",
"values": [
"key": "processorCount",
"values": [
"key": "systemMemoryBytes",
"values": [
"key": "trustedAccountId",
"values": [
"domain": "INFRA",
"type": "HOST"
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-2-6T09:30:57.924Z",
"createdBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW",
"updatedAt": "2024-2-6T11:49:20.881Z",
"updatedBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW"
Issue entity in Port (Click to expand)
"identifier": "My Issue",
"title": "My Issue",
"blueprint": "newRelicAlert",
"team": [],
"icon": "NewRelic",
"properties": {
"priority": "CRITICAL",
"state": "ACTIVATED",
"sources": ["My Source"],
"conditionName": ["My Condition"],
"alertPolicyNames": ["My Policy"],
"activatedAt": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"relations": {
"newRelicService": "My Service"
"createdAt": "2024-2-6T09:30:57.924Z",
"createdBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW",
"updatedAt": "2024-2-6T11:49:20.881Z",
"updatedBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW"
Service Level entity in Port (Click to expand)
"blueprint": "newRelicServiceLevel",
"identifier": "599434",
"title": "Service Level Name - Metric",
"icon": "NewRelic",
"properties": {
"description": "Proportion of requests that are served faster than a threshold.",
"targetThreshold": 95,
"createdAt": "2024-07-15T08:02:40Z",
"updatedAt": null,
"createdBy": "",
"serviceLevelIndicator": 87.56,
"tags": {
"account": [
"Account [REDACTED]"
"accountId": [
"category": [
"nr.associatedEntityGuid": [
"nr.associatedEntityName": [
"Service Name 01"
"nr.associatedEntityType": [
"nr.sliComplianceCategory": [
"nr.sloPeriod": [
"nr.sloTarget": [
"trustedAccountId": [
"relations": {
"newRelicService": "NDM2OTY4MHxFWFR8U0VSVklDRV9MRVZFTHw1OTk0MzQ"
"createdAt": "2024-08-06T09:30:57.924Z",
"createdBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-06T09:49:20.881Z",
"updatedBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW"